Professional Advisors

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We can help you serve your clients better

Your clients look to you for guidance about their personal wealth. We can enhance your relationship by suggesting charitable giving strategies that will help them actualize their philanthropic goals while also achieving their financial, personal, and business objectives. We are eager to help in a way that supports – not thwarts – your relationship with your client.

Why work with The Community Foundation? Because we:

  • Are a trusted partner with 60 years of experience.
  • Possess expertise on giving strategies that can benefit you and your clients.
  • Can help you start or elevate a conversation about charitable giving with your clients.
  • Have deep local knowledge to ensure your client’s giving can make the largest impact.
  • Offer a variety of investment pools, managed by world class investment managers, and overseen by our Investment Committee.
  • Will allow you to continue to actively manage your client’s assets for funds greater than $500,000 through our Custom Managed Pools.
  • Have giving vehicles structured for the most advantageous tax benefits available for charitable giving.
  • Are able to receive a variety of assets from your client, including cash, stock, life insurance, real estate and more. We can handle the transfer of appreciated securities, life insurance and other complicated assets.
  • Provide sample language to be used in wills for various planned giving vehicles.
  • Are happy to partner with you to make a client’s private foundation more effective and efficient.

Start The Conversation

Are there any charitable causes or needs you would like to address?
With that one simple question, you can open the door to a full conversation about some of your client’s most important thoughts about making their mark today and molding their legacy for tomorrow.

“It’s a matter of helping people understand the many services the Foundation offers, and the fact that their contributions can benefit our whole community.”

– Kristen D. Drake, Esq, former Chair of The Community Foundation’s Amelia Island Professional Advisory Council

Who might be a candidate for The Conversation? Clients who…

  • Care deeply about their local community
  • Give to one or more charitable cause or organization
  • Are interested in creating a personal or family legacy in our community
  • May be considering the creation of a private or family foundation
  • Have expressed concern about the administrative complexity or expense of a private foundation
  • Want to stay personally involved in deciding how the charitable dollars are used

When is The Conversation most meaningful?

  • When year-end tax planning identifies a need for greater tax deductions
  • When estate planning identifies the possibility of significant estate taxes
  • If your client is interested in setting up a private charitable foundation, or has a private foundation but seeks simpler management
  • If client owns highly appreciated stock in a company that is about to be acquired, of has most of his/her assets tied up in a closely held company and would like to give a gift of stock or business interests
  • Your client has a substantial IRA and/or 401(k) asset within his/her estate
  • When your client is passionate about helping meet a specific community need and is ready to make a significant gift

How can I deepen The Conversation to more fully understand my client’s charitable motivations? Try asking:

  • What has been the most satisfying charitable gift you have ever made? Why?
  • Of your core values, which would you like to express through your giving?
  • When you think of the challenges facing our community, what are your greatest concerns? Are any of these the focus of your current or future giving?
  • What role has philanthropy played in your family? Is it what you would like it to be… or would you like to change it? Are your children and grandchildren aware of your philanthropy?

Here to Help

For more information, contact:

John Zell

John Zell, CAP®

Senior Vice President, Development

Socrates Rivers, MBA, CAP®

Director, Development

Here to Help

For more information, contact:

John Zell

John Zell, CAP®

Senior Vice President, Development 904.356.4483

Partner With Us

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